Geotechnical Engineering
Specializing in Geotechnical Engineering Solutions
Patriot’s Geotechnical Engineering team delivers the experience and knowledge that you have come to rely on to help understand your subsurface soil and groundwater conditions.
During construction, what is under a piece of property can be just as important as what is being built on top of it. Patriot’s Engineers are invaluable members of your engineering and design team to improve foundation and embankment design, reduce construction delays, and minimize expensive over-design. Our experience helps validate the viability of your project designs, anticipate and resolve construction issues, and generate the savings you need to keep you on budget and on schedule.
Patriot – Standing ready to assist you with your Geotechnical Engineering needs.

Geotechnical Engineering Professionals Ready to Assist You
At Patriot, we offer clients a geotechnical engineering group with exceptional talent consisting of numerous engineers with B.S. degrees, Master’s Degrees, and a Ph.D. registered as professional engineers throughout multiple states. The geotechnical team also includes geologists, soils laboratory technicians, and drillers who assist this group as needed with laboratory testing, fieldwork, and coordination.
Come experience the Patriot difference. Employee-owned and invested in your project.

Feasibility & Planning
To assist in selecting a construction site, Patriot can perform site suitability evaluations, project feasibility studies, and preliminary subsurface investigations. An evaluation is given on general foundation and earthwork needs as they affect construction costs. An environmental site assessment (which Patriot can also perform through our Environmental services group) is frequently required to determine if the proposed property is environmentally impaired.
- Site Suitability Evaluation
- Preliminary Subsurface Investigation
- Project Feasibility Studies

Design Development
During the design process, the Patriot soils engineer will consider subsurface characteristics and data obtained from both field and laboratory tests in order to develop the appropriate geotechnical recommendations required by the designer. Because of the great variation of project characteristics and subsurface conditions, the interpretation of soil and rock data can often be quite complicated. The need for qualified and experienced geotechnical engineering professionals is evident. Patriot has you covered through offering these services:
- Subsurface Exploration
- Foundation Engineering
- Pavement & Subgrade Design
- Slope Stability Analysis
- Standard & Reinforced Earthen Slope and Embankment Design
- Earthen Dam & Levee Assessment and Design
- Excavation Assessment and Design
- Landfill design and permitting
- Mining reclamation design
- Deep foundation evaluation and design

Soil Laboratory Testing
- Moisture Content
- Atterberg Limits
- Shrinkage Limits
- Grain Size Analysis
- Density
- Proctors (Standard & Modified)
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
- Specific Gravity
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Consolidation
- Unconfined Compressive Strength
- Triaxial Shear
- Direct Shear
- Organic Content
- Calcium Carbonate Content
- Sulfate Content

Quality control services are needed during the construction phase of a project to detect and evaluate any deviation from the subsurface conditions previously established during the planning and design phase. Recommendations for construction modifications can promptly be made, if necessary, minimizing construction delays and costly overruns.
- Earthwork Monitoring
- Foundation Installation Monitoring
- Pile Driving Monitoring
- Review of Excavation Bracing
- Design and Installation of Monitoring Instrumentation
- Construction Dewatering Evaluation
- Groundwater Monitoring

Occasionally, there is a need for geotechnical engineering services after the completion of construction. These may be failure investigation, foundation underpinning consultation, expert testimony, or landslide remediation.
- Failure Investigations
- Instrumentation Monitoring Program Development
- Foundation Underpinning Consulting
- Subsidence and Landslide Remediation
- Expert Testimony
Patriot’s Soils & Concrete Laboratory
Patriot’s Soils & Concrete laboratory is an intricate component of our services. Accredited by AASHTO re:source, Patriot participates annually in the volunteer AASHTO re:source proficiency sample program. This program allows our laboratory to check both our instrumentation and our operators under actual testing conditions, compare individual testing results with the average of a large body of results so that corrective action may be taken where broad discrepancies occur, and evaluate the quality of test results, which thereby help to reduce the risk of disputes due to testing errors. Patriot is also validated by the US Army Corps of Engineers.