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Clarksville Pump Station

Clarksville, Indiana

The project involved replacing an aging pump station for the city’s wastewater department. The new pump station features a 35-foot-deep wet well housing three wastewater pumps, along with connecting gravity sewer mains. Additionally, a large underground valve vault and a control building were constructed as part of the project.

Patriot was contracted to perform materials testing and inspections for the concrete structures. Due to the project’s accelerated schedule, close coordination with the design team, contractor, and concrete supplier was critical to ensure timely concrete breaks, allowing subsequent construction phases to proceed without delays.

When low concrete break strengths were observed, Patriot compared results with the concrete supplier’s field breaks and conducted non-destructive testing of the poured structures to verify integrity. Our scope of work included concrete testing and reinforcing steel inspections to support the project’s quality assurance efforts.

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