Omni Hotel Louisville

Louisville, KY
In early 2016, construction began on Louisville’s most significant project in its downtown area since the KFC Yum! Center construction in 2010. This $315 million, 30-story hotel would house 612 hotel rooms and 225 luxury apartments on its upper floors. Patriot was proud to be selected to perform construction materials testing for this impressive landmark.

Patriot’s Construction Materials Testing & Services Included:
- Auger cast pile foundations testing and verification
- Testing on over 800 grout cubes for strength and verification that each pile was installed to the proper depth and grout volume
- Observation and verification on the placement of reinforcing steel for pile caps, grade beams, walls, and slabs
- Verification of the placement of post tension cables and documentation of elongation of all cables after concrete placement
- Verification of the placement of reinforcing steel in all structural block walls
- Testing of the grout and mortar placed in and on the block walls
- Anchor bolt pull-out testing on post-installed anchor bolts
- Verifying fireproofing installation by performing thickness tests, adhesion pull test, and densities of the fireproof material
- Structural steel inspections of welds, bolts and fit-up