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Fishers Event Center

Patriot is proud to have contributed to the development of the Fishers Event Center, a premier $170 million sports, entertainment, and events venue that opened in 2024. With a capacity of 8,500, this mid-sized, world-class facility will serve as the new home for the Indy Fuel and host a diverse array of events including concerts, family shows, and other sporting occasions, accommodating 125 to 150 events annually.

Our comprehensive scope of services on this project encompassed crucial aspects of construction materials testing and inspection, ensuring adherence to industry standards and promoting structural integrity and safety. Our services included:

  • Soils Testing and Inspection
  • Foundations Inspection
  • Concrete Testing and Inspection
  • Masonry and Pre-cast Concrete Inspection
  • Asphalt Testing
  • Fireproofing and Firestop Inspection
  • Structural Steel Testing and Inspection

Our commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail ensures that the Fishers Event Center will stand as a safe, durable, and world-class venue. Patriot’s expertise in construction materials testing and inspection plays a vital role in bringing this significant project to fruition, contributing to the vibrant community of Fishers.


Reduce Costs, Decrease Risks, and Improve Outcomes