Foundry 304
Bloomington, IN
The Foundry 304 property in downtown Bloomington, Indiana, has come a long way from its late 19th-century industrial persona. The Site is now home to 26 luxury condominiums as well as business office space and a parking garage.

Site Conditions
As the site was prepared for redevelopment in the early 21st century, groundwater contamination was discovered that presented a potential challenge to future residential use of the property. Specifically, the volatile organic compound trichloroethene (TCE) was detected in groundwater at concentrations exceeding the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) residential and commercial vapor exposure screening levels.
Subsequent investigations determined that the TCE was migrating onto the Site from an upgradient, off-site source. IDEM requested a vapor intrusion (VI) evaluation be conducted to determine if the VI pathway was a potential concern for future site use.
Patriot Environmental Services
Patriot was retained to plan and conduct the VI evaluation according to IDEM requirements. Patriot prepared a work plan for the investigation for IDEM’s preapproval. IDEM preliminarily approved the work plan with comments regarding sample locations and sample collection during winter and summer.
Patriot negotiated with IDEM regarding one of the proposed sample locations and was able to obtain agreement to adjust the sample location to avoid disrupting the parking garage floor. This was necessary due to groundwater pressure issues in the subsurface.
Patriot then completed the VI investigation according to the approved work plan. The sampling and analysis consisted of:
- Three (3) sub-slab soil gas samples
- Six (6) indoor air samples
- One (1) duplicated indoor sample
- One (1) outdoor ambient air sample
- Laboratory analysis of the samples for volatile organic compounds
The results indicated the VI pathway would not pose an exposure risk for future residential or commercial site users. Patriot prepared a report of findings for submittal to IDEM along with a request for a No Further Action determination. The VI evaluation results enabled the property owner to complete their planned development of the Foundry 304 luxury residences and office spaces.