360 Market Square
Indianapolis, IN
360 Market Square is one of the newest additions to the Indianapolis skyline. Located in the heart of downtown Indy, the mixed-use development includes a 27-story tower with 292 luxury apartments, a 5-story parking garage topped by a residential amenities deck, a Whole Foods Market grocery store, and a Starbucks coffee shop. At nearly 650,000 square feet, 360 Market Square is a stunning, award-winning example of luxury downtown living.
Patriot was selected to complete geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing and engineering (CME) during the preconstruction and construction phases of the project.

Geotechnical Engineering
Patriot completed numerous geotechnical investigations and tests at the property to determine near surface and subsurface conditions. Specific tasks included:
- Review of 17 soil boring logs that were prepared in 2004, 2005, and 2013.
- Drilling of 10 new soil borings to depths of 40 to 95 feet below existing grade.
- In-situ pressure meter testing at seven soil borings at various depths. A total of 31 pressure meter tests were performed.
- Laboratory testing to determine the engineering characteristics of the soils encountered in the borings.
- Continuous coring of bedrock at two new boring locations to a depth of five feet below the top of bedrock.
- Monitoring of groundwater levels during the drilling operations and after the completion of the drilling.
- Instrumented pile load tests
As the data were generated, Patriot worked with the design team to provide recommendations for spread footings, shoring, auger-cast piles, and other foundation-related features and options. A full geotechnical engineering report was also prepared for the design team, construction engineer, and project records.
Construction Materials Testing & Engineering
As construction proceeded, Patriot provided continuous materials testing and monitoring, including:
- Auger-cast pile (ACP) compression, tension, and lateral load testing
- ACP installation monitoring, reinforcing steel observation and grout testing
- Pile cap reinforcing steel observation and concrete testing
- Slab-on-grade concrete testing
- Floor flatness/levelness evaluation
- CIP concrete frame reinforcing steel observation and concrete testing
- Post-tension deck inspection and tendon elongation monitoring
- Structural steel and masonry inspections
- Spray-applied fireproofing material (SFRM) testing
Patriot used these data to advise the construction team on materials engineering and recommendations at each step of the build. A full CME report was also prepared for the construction engineer and project records.
Downtown residents, workers, and visitors are now enjoying the Whole Foods Market and Starbucks coffee shop, and the new tower residents are thrilled with their luxury apartments. Patriot is proud to have played an integral part in providing all of them with such an outstanding facility.