Edwardsport Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Plant
Knox County, Indiana
The Edwardsport IGCC Project involved the construction of a new power generation facility on a 300-acre project site in west-central Indiana for Duke Energy. This state-of-the-art power plant generates 618-megawatts of electricity, replacing a century-old power plant at the nearby Edwardsport Generating Station facility. The plant is one of the most efficient and cleanest burning coal-fired power plants in the world, with reduced sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate discharge. Patriot Engineering began Geotechnical Engineering services at the undeveloped site in early 2007. In addition to initial site development investigations, Patriot was also involved in investigations of mine subsidence and grout confirmation, seismic site class evaluation, heavy lift crane mat evaluation, cathodic protection installations, and structure-specific foundation design (caissons and mats).

Construction Materials Testing & Inpections
In addition to Geotechnical Engineering support, Patriot has also provided our client with Construction Materials Testing & Inspection Services (QA/QC). During peak construction, Patriot supported the project with as many as (14) technicians and professional staff. Patriot provided testing and inspections relating to auger-cast pilings, drilled piers (caissons), fresh concrete placement (including many mass placements), earthwork fill and backfill placement, grout placement, anchor bolt integrity, and Intellirock® temperature monitoring.
Patriot also performed CQA inspection and certification of 3-stormwater collection ponds that serve the facility. Complete inspections were conducted to verify compliance of underdrain systems, subgrade preparation, and HDPE liner installation (including welding integrity testing) with project specifications and applicable regulatory requirements.