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Fort Wayne, IN

In November of 2021, the new Lutheran Downtown Hospital opened in the heart of Fort Wayne. Located on the southwest corner of Main and Van Buren Streets, the facility has 60 patient beds (with room to expand), a 19-room emergency department, four operating suites, three gastroenterology suites, diagnostic imaging services, robotic-assisted surgery capabilities, and a full laboratory.

The building design is a 5-story steel frame structure constructed on shallow foundations over ground improved using Geo Piers. Pre-construction site activities began in 2019, and Patri ot was selected to provide geotechnical engineering, environmental, and construction materials testing and engineering services for the facility. Patriot served as the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the project.

Lutheran Downtown Hospital under construction

Geotechnical Engineering

Patriot completed a pre-construction geotechnical investigation and risk assessment of the property to fully characterize the subsurface. The design team used the investigation findings, along with Patriot’s recommendations, to optimize the facility design.

Construction Materials Testing & Engineering

Patriot provided ongoing materials testing and engineering support throughout the construction period. Patriot tested and monitored numerous materials and activities including:

  • Observation of Geo Pier installation
  • Soil/aggregate compaction testing for fill and backfill
  • Reinforced concrete observations and testing
  • Firestop inspections
  • Spray fireproofing observation and testing
  • Floor flatness and levelness testing of concrete slabs
  • Structural Steel – Observations of welded and bolted connections, deck attachment, and shear stud connection for composite decking

The new hospital is helping Lutheran Health continue their commitment to having a positive impact on the downtown community. Patriot is proud to have been a part of making it happen.

Reduce Costs, Decrease Risks, and Improve Outcomes