United States Penitentiary
Terre Haute, Indiana
Patriot Engineering served as a member of the design and construction team for this design-build maximum security united states penitentiary on the property of the existing USP facility at Terre Haute, Indiana. Patriot engineering served our client, Clark construction, and the project design time from pre-bid through construction completion. This new corrections facility included 6-regular housing units, a special housing unit, educational services building, inside & outside administration buildings, a food service building, unicor (Manufacturing) Building, a utility plant, an elevated water tower, gun towers, and site roadways, and other civil improvements. The new facility was situated on a 190-acre site adjacent to the existing penitentiary.
Special challenges associated with the site marginal soil conditions relative to structural support. Pre-construction geotechnical investigation identified the challenges and offered alternatives for design, including deep foundations or soil modification methods. Ultimately, dynamic compaction (DC) Methods were selected to improve the site to a reasonable bearing condition. Patriot oversaw the DC efforts and conducted a post-compaction investigation to confirm adequate results. The effort succeeded in improving the site sufficiently to effectively support each of the structures on conventional foundations, saving time and cost.

Our Involvement
Patriot’s involvement also included quality control specification development, and management of multiple quality control technicians throughout the construction schedule, which spanned approximately 2-years. The project involved coordination with several design partners, the federal bureau of prisons, trades, and disciplines to construct a superior quality, model penitentiary facility. The project team worked under a partnership program/Contract, successfully completing the project on time and within budget.