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We are proud to welcome Heather Locke as our new Senior Environmental Compliance Manager. With over 17 years of experience in environmental engineering, Heather brings a wealth of expertise in air quality, hazardous waste management, and permit development to our organization.

Prior to joining Patriot, Heather served as the Regional Air Toxics Coordinator for EPA Region 10, overseeing a four-state area including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. During her tenure at the Environmental Protection Agency, she demonstrated her proficiency in various environmental programs, including Title V and non-Title V permit writing, implementation of NSPS and NESHAPs, and managing projects related to permitting and management of hazardous waste operations, and corrective actions under RCRA, TSCA and Superfund federal laws.

Heather’s experience extends to project management on high-profile, politically charged sites, where she tackled complex risk assessment issues spanning waste management, groundwater, air quality, vapor migration, environmental justice, tribal relations and toxic release inventory submittals under the EPCRA program requirements. She has also provided technical support for thermal treatment, incineration, waste to energy, and hazardous waste combustion, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and promoting environmental sustainability.

“We are thrilled to welcome Heather to our team,” said David Servies, Director of Environmental Compliance. “Her extensive background in environmental engineering, coupled with her proven track record in compliance management and policy development, will further enhance our ability to provide tailored environmental solutions to our clients, ensuring their operations meet and exceed regulatory standards.”

Heather holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington, specializing in Environmental and Nuclear Engineering. Outside of work, Heather enjoys traveling and outdoor adventures such as hiking, snowboarding, and camping.

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