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We are proud to announce the addition of Alex Weinzapfel as our new Environmental Project Manager. Alex brings a wealth of expertise in environmental management, specializing in wastewater treatment, RCRA hazardous waste permitting, compliance, and enforcement.

Before joining Patriot, Alex served as a Senior Hazardous Waste Inspector for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and worked as a Wastewater Treatment Operator at two plants near Charleston, South Carolina. His experience at IDEM solidified his proficiency in RCRA hazardous waste compliance, permitting, and enforcement. His wastewater management skills encompass sampling, regulatory compliance, lab testing, and operations.

Alex’s experience extends to project management on high-profile waste management operations, environmental compliance audits, and permit applications. He has also provided technical support for waste management regulations, regulatory agency enforcement cases, and hazardous secondary material recycling.

“We are excited to have Alex join our Environmental team,” said Ed Joniskan, Indiana Environmental Group Manager. “His extensive hands-on experience throughout the state of Indiana from both regulatory and operational perspectives, is a perfect match for the Environmental services Patriot provides throughout Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and beyond.”

Alex holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Affairs and Environmental Management from Indiana University. Outside of work, Alex enjoys spending time with his wife, backpacking, canoeing, and making annual trips with his family to the Boundary Waters.

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