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Our Drilling Team Has Grown!

We are excited to announce the expansion of our drilling team! With the addition of new skilled professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, we are better equipped than ever to meet your project needs. This new drill crew is located in Falmouth, Kentucky, to better serve our Kentucky and Southern Ohio clients.

Equipped for Your Project Needs

Our expanded team now includes seven drilling crews, with eight drill rigs and one pavement coring rig, each operated by its own dedicated crew. With services spanning across Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and beyond, Patriot’s Drilling team of professionals has over 75 years of combined drilling experience to service your Geotechnical and Environmental drilling needs. Our staff has worked on notable sites including U.S. Military installations, U.S. EPA sites, refineries, LUST, RCRA, CERCLA, and TSCA sites.

Our Drilling Services Include:

  • Geotechnical Drilling and Sampling
  • Well Installation and Abandonment
  • On and Off-Road Drilling
  • Specialized Field Testing
  • Concrete and Asphalt Coring

This growth enables us to provide more timely, efficient, and high-quality services across our multi-state operations. Thank you for your continued trust in Patriot. We look forward to bringing even greater value to your projects! For more information about Patriot’s drilling capabilities, visit our Services page here.

Reduce Costs, Decrease Risks, and Improve Outcomes